MPTET Varg 2 Syllabus [2024]: Latest Patern & Notification

In ‘Varg 2 Syllabus‘, you will get to know the syllabus of the middle school exam of teacher recruitment to be held in Madhya Pradesh, through this syllabus you will be able to make your complete strategy for the upcoming MP TET (Varg 2 Syllabus 2023 or 2024) are same. Thousands of youth wait for this examination to be held in Madhya Pradesh. What’s the purpose of this exam? MP TET Varg-2 exam is to provide career opportunities to the employment students of MP and to fulfil their dreams of becoming a teacher. In this article, you will get to know about Varg 2 Syllabus, for which you will have to read the blog till the end.

Overview of the MP TET Varg-2 Syllabus

  • This exam asks 150 Multiple-choice Questions and is divided into two parts (Part A and Part B).
  • There was no negative marking in this exam. It is a benefit for new and old aspirants, or each question carries one mark, and the total mark of the exam is 150.
  • The duration of the exam is 2:30 hours, so be careful.
  • In Part B, candidates will have to choose any one subject, and Part A will be common for all aspirants.
Exam No. of Question Marks
MP TET Varg 2 Part – A 30 30
MP TET Varg 2 Part – B 120 120

MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus Part – A Exam Pattern

Subject No. of Question Marks
Hindi 8 8
English 5 5
Maths All {17 question} 17 marks
Social Science
बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र
Reasoning and Numerical Abilities

Also Read :- Latest CTET Syllabus 2024, Download the CTET Paper 1 & 2 PDF

MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus Part – B Exam Pattern

Subject No. of Question Marks
Hindi 15 15
English 10 10
Maths 25 15
Science 15 15
Social Science 15 15
बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र 10 10
Sanskrit 10 10
Reasoning and Numerical Abilities 20 20

MP TET VARG 2 Syllabus Part – A

VARG part A is based on your Verbal and Problem-solving skills. In this article, we discussed part A syllabus, so please read the article in this above section:-

Hindi language
  • Unread Passage and Poetry
  • बोली, विभाषा, मातृभाषा, राजभाषा, राष्‍ट्रभाषा
  • वाक्‍य परिवर्तन
  • विराम चिन्‍ह और उनका अनुप्रयोग
  • वाक्‍य रचना- शुद्ध वाक्‍य रचना
  • वाक्‍य के प्रकार (, अर्थ, वाच्‍य के आधार पर, रचना), वाक्‍य बोध।
  • मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियां और उनका वाक्‍यों में प्रयोग
  • गद्यांश/ पद्यांश (शीर्षक, व्‍याख्‍या, सारांश)
  • काव्‍य परिभाषा, काव्‍य गुण, काव्‍य भेद (मुक्‍तककाव्‍य, प्रबंधकाव्‍य)
  • शब्‍द शक्ति
  • छंद – मात्रिक छंद, वर्णिक छंद
  • मन्‍दाकांता, घनाक्षरी, छप्‍पय, कवित्‍त, कुण्‍डलिया, सवैया (मत्‍तगयंद, दुर्मिल)
  • अलंकार
  • रस परिचय, अंग, रसभेद।
  • अनौपचारिक, सामयिक, औपचारिक समस्‍याओं के समाधान हेतु एवं सम्‍पादक के नाम पत्र।
  • समसामयिक समस्‍याओं, भावात्‍मक, सामाजिक, सांस्‍कृतिक, विचारात्‍मक, ललित विषयों पर निबंध लेखन।
  • गद्य साहित्‍य की विविध विधाएं (कहानी, निबंध, नाटक) और उनका सामान्‍य परिचय लेखक परिचय (भाषाशैली, रचनाएं)
  • हिन्‍दी काव्‍य (पद्य) और उसका विकास
  • पद्य साहित्‍य का विकास – भक्तिकाल, रीतिकाल, आदिकाल का सामान्‍य परिचय सहित कवियों का साहित्यिक परिचय (काव्‍यगत विशेषताएं, रचनाएं, भावपक्ष, कलापक्ष)
  • आधुनिक काल की प्रमुख प्रवृत्तियां – प्रयोगवाद, रहस्‍यवाद, छायावाद, प्रगतिवाद, नईकविता का सामान्‍य परिचयसहित कवियों का साहित्यिक परिचय (रचनाएं, काव्‍यगत विशेषताएं, भावपक्ष, कलापक्ष)
  • भाषा सीखना और ग्रहणशीलता
  • भाषा शिक्षण के सिद्धान्‍त
  • बोलने की भूमिका, भाषा शिक्षण में सुनने, भाषा के कार्य,बच्‍चे भाषा का प्रयोग कैसे करते हैं।
  • लिखित और  मौखिक अभिव्‍यक्ति अन्‍तर्गत भाषा सीखने में व्‍याकरण की भूमिका
  • भाषा शिक्षण में विभिन्‍न स्‍तरों के बच्‍चों की चुनौतियां, क्रमबद्धता, त्रुटियां एवं कठिनाइयां
  • भाषा के चारों कौशल (बोलना, लिखना, पढ़ना, सुनना, ) का मूल्‍यांकन
  • कक्षा में शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री, दूरसंचार, पाठ्यपुस्‍तक (दृश्‍य एवं श्रव्‍य) सामग्री, बहुकक्षा स्रोत पुन: शिक्षण इत्यादि।
English Language
  • One word substitution
  • Synonyms
  • Opposites
  • phrases
  • idioms/proverbs
  • word formation
  • Tenses
  • Modals
  • Articles
  • Determiners
  • Prepositions
  • Voices
  • Narration
  • Clauses
  • Transformation of sentences
  • 200-250 words per essay from four or five topics.
  • Based on the above inputs and related information, draft a letter or write an application.
  • Letter types include
  • letters to editors
  • personal/informal letters
  • business or official letters
  • application for a job
  • Need for Learning English
  • Objectives of teaching English
  • Learning methods and approaches (grammar-translation, direct, bilingual, communicative, structural, integrated)
  • Good qualities in a language teacher.
  • Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
  • Importance of listening and reading
  • Importance of speaking and writing
  • Parts of Speech
  • Punctuation marks
  • Synonym and antonym, homophones, one-term substitution (definitions), changing word category
  • Framing questions
  • Teaching of prose, grammar, composition and poetry; planning and implementation.
  • learning enhancement program
  • Active learning Methodology
  • Exercise preparation Textbook remedial teaching exercises
  • Charts, flash cards, models, newspaper cuttings = CD; Radio Media Tape recorder.
  • Natural Numbers
  • Identifying Whole Numbers and Integers
  • Operations on Rational Numbers
  • Application of Exponent Rules to Rational Exponents
  • Polynomials and Rational Expressions
  • Factorization and Operations on Them
  • Ratio
  • Proportion
  • Linear Equation
  • Percentage
  • Arithmetic Progressions Geometric Progressions
  • Compound Interest
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Probability
  • Logarithm
  • An Equation of One Unknown.
  • Linear Equations in Two Variables
  • Algebraic Techniques for Solving Linear Equations
  • Trigonometry and Its Applications–Introduction
  • Basic Geometrical Concepts – Area
  • Properties of Triangles
  • Pythagoras Theorem
  • Angles
  • Congruence
  • Circle
  • Similarity of Triangles
  • Construction of Triangles
  • Division of Line Segment
  • Construction of Quadrilaterals
  • Straight Line Graph
  • Histogram
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Calculation of Mean
  • Frequency
  • Cumulative Frequency
  • Circle Graph
  • Drawing Frequency Polygon
  • Area of Rectangular Path
  • Surface Area and Volume
  • Area of Circle
  • Simultaneous Linear Equations
  • Universe
  • Environment
  • Work, Energy, and Machines
  • Force, Motion, and Pressure
  • Heat and Temperature
  • Measurement – Time, Temperature, Length, Area
  • Volume, Measurement of Matter
  • Metals-nonmetals Atom-molecule Element Compound Mixture.
  • Chemical Symbols, Formulas, and Equations
  • Properties of Acids, Bases and Salts
  • Plant and Animal Structure
  • States of Matter, Properties of Elements, Methods of Separation of Elements
  • The world of life–classification, structure, biological functions, adaptation and biological evolution.
  • Food–Sources of foods, Components of food, Preservation of edibles, Food and health.
  • Human Body Science, Cell Functionalism, Structure and Numerous Genetic and Developmental Elements
  • Magnetism, Electricity and Electric Current How things work.
  • Physical and Chemical Changes
  • Our Surrounding Environment
  • Carbon-Compounds, Hydrocarbons
  • Natural Phenomena – Light, Sound
  • Natural Resources
  • Food Production and Management
  • Objectives of Science
  • Develop a Scientific Perspective
  • Provide Latest Scientific Information
  • Which will raise awareness of important scientific facts and theories?
  • Cultivate Different Abilities in Science and Other Fields
  • Establish the Capacity to Produce Teaching Material Based on the Environment and Put It Into Practice.
  • Observation, Experimentation, Exploration
Social Science
  • Sources of History
  • Early Man and the Stone Age; Harappan and Vedic Civilizations; Jainism, Buddhism; Mauryan, Gupta and Harsha Periods; Foreign Contacts to 1208 A.D., and their Effect Upon Social Life in India.
  • The Mediaeval Period, Historical Sources, Invasions of India by Muḥammad Ghori and Muḥammed Ghazni, Delhi Sultanate–Khilji Dynasty. Tughlaq Dynasty. Lodhi Dynasty., Socioconomic and Religious Conditions During the Sultanate Period, Brief Out
  • Bahmani Empire, Vijayanagar, Rise of Maratha Power
  • The European Trading Companies ‘Arrival in India, and Their Struggle for Dominance
  • The success of British company empire expansion was no achievement.
  • Independent Struggle (1857) — Religious-Social Renaissance
  • The Establishment of the Indian National Congress, Importance, Objectives and Struggles.
  • Liberalism and Conservatism
  • Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience as National Movements
  • Quit India Movement
  • Revolutionaries in the Freedom Movement
  • Attainment of Independence and Partition
  • Madhya Pradesh’s Role in the Independence Movement
  • India’s Post-Independence Troubles — Kashmir, 1962 China War, 1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak Wars
  • Emergency in India
  • The emergence of India as a nuclear power.
  • Family, Society, Community and National Symbols; Local Government (Rural and Urban Institutions)
  • Indian Constitution- Political Structure, Fundamental Rights and Duties of the People, Child and Human Rights Organization; Human Rights Commission.
  • Lok Sabha, Rajya sabha, Central executive- President, VicePresident and Cabinet. Composition, Powers and Functions of the Supreme and High Courts
  • Functions, Election Process – Election Commission
  • DemocracyComing Functional, importance of political parties in democracy.
  • Main Problems in democracy- Illiteracy, Communalism, Regionalism, Unemployment, Terrorism, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Classes (tribes), Backward Classes Protection of the Constitution.
  • Modifying foreign policy and relations with surrounding states India’s politics.
  • United Nations and India’s Contribution
  • The solar system, latitude and longitude, borders, the globe and maps.
  • Atmosphere – Organization, Atmosphere Layer
  • Waves, Streams, Tides, Rainfall, Major Oceans – Hydrosphere
  • Changes in the external environment and within Earth The movements of the lithosphere affect earth’s changes of seasons.
  • Soil Conservation
  • India- Geographical position, physiography, climate, soil, flora and fauna, minerals and industries, energy sources, major crops and means of transport.
  • Expanding latitude and longitude across all continents
  • Earth Structure, Climate
  • Major Countries ‘Natural Vegetation, Fauna, Minerals and Industry Energy Resources; Production ofO Major Crops That Country wildlife Ways and Means of Transport
  • Pollution, Industrial Waste and Its Management, Disaster Management Environment
  • Economic Development
  • Economic System and Globalization
  • Currency and Financial System
  • Five Year Plans and India’s Agricultural Development
  • Rural Economy
  • Food Security Service Area
  • Consumer Protection
बाल विकास और शिक्षाशास्त्र
  • बाल विकास के सिद्धान्‍त
  • अवधारणा और इसका अधिगम से संबंध
  • वंशानुक्रम एवं वातावरण का प्रभाव
  • विकास को प्रभावित करने वाले कारक|
  • बाल केन्द्रित एवं प्रगतिशील शिक्षा की अवधारणा
  • बालकों का मानसिक व्‍यवहार एवं स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य संबंधी समस्‍याएं
  • भाषा और विचार
  • व्‍यक्तित्‍व और उसका मापन
  • समाजीकरण प्रक्रियाएं : सामाजिक जगत एवं बच्‍चे
  • पियाजे पावलव कोहलर और थार्नडाइक : रचना एवं आलोचनात्‍मक स्‍वरूप
  • बुद्धि की रचना का आलोचनात्‍मक स्‍वरूप और उसका मापन, बहुआयामी बुद्धि
  • सामाजिक निर्माण के रूप में जेंडर, जेंडर की भूमिका, लिंगभेद और शैाक्षिक प्रथाएं
  • अधिगम कर्त्‍ताओं में व्‍यक्तिगत भिन्‍नताएं, भाषा, जाति, लिंग, संप्रदाय, धर्म आदि की विषमताओं पर आधारित भिन्‍नताओं की समझ
  • अधिगम के लिए आंकलन और अधिगम का आंकलन में अंतर, शाला आधारित आंकलन, सतत् एवं समग्र मूल्‍यांकन : स्‍वरूप और प्रथाएं (मान्‍यताएं)
  • संज्ञान और संवेग
  • अभिप्रेरणा और अधिगम
  • बाल अपराध : कारण एवं प्रकार
  • अधिगम में योगदान देने वाले कारक –व्‍यक्तिगतऔर पर्यावरणीय
  • निर्देशन एवं परामर्श
  • अधिगम कठिनाइयां, ‘क्षति’ आदि से ग्रस्‍त बच्‍चों की आवश्‍यकताओं की पहचान
  • प्रतिभावान, सृजनात्‍मक, विशेष क्षमता वाले अधिगत कर्त्‍ताओं की पहचान
  • समस्‍याग्रस्‍त बालक : पहचान एवं निदानात्‍मक पक्ष
  • शिक्षण और अधिगम की मूलभूत प्रक्रियाएं, बच्‍चों की अधिगम की रणनीतियों, अधिगम एक सामाजिक प्रक्रिया के रूप में, अधिगम का सामाजिक संदर्भ 
  • समस्या समाधानकर्ता और वैज्ञानिक अन्वेषक के रूप में बच्चा
  • बच्चों में अधिगम की वैकल्पिक धारणाएं
  • बच्चों की त्रुटियों को अधिगम प्रक्रिया में सार्थक कड़ी के रूप में समझना
  • अधिगम को प्रभावित करने वाले कारकः अवधान और रुचि
  • अभिक्षमता और उसका मापन
  • शब्‍द रूप – राम, कवि, भानु, लता, पितृ, नदी, वधू, मातृ, फल, वारि, आत्‍मन्
  • व्‍याकरण सर्व, तद, एतद्, यत्, इदम, अस्‍मद, युष्‍मद्
  • संधि और उसके प्रकार – स्‍वर संधि, व्‍यंजन संधि, विसर्ग संधि एवं उनके भेद
  • संधि विच्‍छेद एवं संधि युक्‍त पद बनाना
  • प्रत्‍यय–कृत प्रत्‍यय – (क्‍त्‍वा, ल्‍यम्, तुमुन, क्‍त, क्‍तवतु, शतृ, शानच्, तव्‍यत्, अनीयर)
  • समास–समास की परिभाषा, भेद, समास विग्रह, सामासिक पद
  • तद्धित प्रत्‍यय –  अण्, ढक्, मतुप, इत्, तल्, ठक्
  • स्‍त्री प्रत्‍यय – टाप्, ड़ीप
  • धातु रूप – लट्, लृट, लड़ग एवं विधिलिंग (पांचों लकार)
  • अव्यव  – पुन:, अपि, पुरा, अधुना, ह्य:, श्‍व:, अद्य, अधुना, कुत्र, यत्र, तत्र, सर्वत्र, यदा, कदा, सर्वदा, उपरि, यथा, तथा, अपि
  • वेद, वेदांग, पुराण, उपनिषद् का सामान्‍य परिचय
  • संस्‍कृत निबंध लेखन
  • अनौपचारिक पत्र एवं प्रार्थना पत्र लेखन
  • संस्‍कृत के प्रतिनिधि काव्‍यों का परिचय – (भास, कालिदास, शूद्रक एवं भवभूति की कृतियों का परिचयात्‍मक ज्ञान)
  • रामायण एवं महाभारत का सामान्‍य परिचय
  • कारक एवं विभक्तियों का सामान्‍य परिचय
  • हिन्‍दी वाक्‍यों का संस्‍कृत में अनुवाद करना
  • संस्‍कृत अ‍पठित गद्य एवं अपठित पद्य का हिन्‍दी अनुवाद
  • गद्ध्यांस से सम्बंधित प्रश्न
  • भाषा सीखना और ग्रहणशीलता
  • भाषा शिक्षण के सिद्धान्‍त
  • भाषा शिक्षण में सुनने, बोलने की भूमिका, भाषा के कार्य, बच्‍चे भाषा का प्रयोग कैसे करते हैं
  • भाषा शिक्षणमें विभिन्‍न स्‍तरों के बच्‍चों की चुनौतियां, कठिनाइयां, त्रुटियां एवं क्रमबद्धता
  • मौखिक और लिखित अभिव्‍यक्ति अन्‍तर्गत भाषा सीखने में व्‍याकरण की भूमिका
  • कक्षा में शिक्षण अधिगमसामग्री, पाठ्यपुस्‍तक, दूरसंचार (दृश्‍य एवं श्रव्‍य) सामग्री, बहुकक्षा स्रोत
  • भाषा के चारों कौषल (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना) का मूल्‍यांकन 
  • मूल्‍यांकन, निदानात्‍मक परीक्षण एवं उपचारात्‍मक शिक्षण इत्यादि।
Reasoning & Numerical Ability
  • Shabdik/Tarkyukt Reasoning – Linguistic/logical reasoning
  • GM + A Basic cognitive and analytical abilities General Mental Accumulation
  • Association and ordering — Relation and sequence?
  • Analogy – Similarity between different subjects
  • Claim – Assertion or statement
  • This sentence is a fact. It can be said that it’s true.
  • Encoding and decoding Information
  • Situational reasoning–reasoning based upon situations.
  • Other conditions. Sequential order and patterns are referred to as series and pattern.
  • Number Pattern – Sequences in numbers
  • Ordering–Sequential arrangement in two- or three-dimensional diagrams.
  • Number Awareness–Familiarity with relationships between numbers, quantitative sequence and so forth.
  • Mathematical calculations and operations.
  • General comments on figures-Explanation of charts, illustrations, statistics, etc.
  • Know thyself – Detecting ulterior motives.
  • Interpretation and Explanation, etc.

Also Read :- DU, IGNOU, UP and Guwahati B.ed Entrance Exam Syllabus

MP TET Varg 2 Syllabus Part – B

Part-A and Part-B are the same, but the difference is that it is divided into two parts: 1) the First part is almost 30 marks, and 2) the Second part is almost 150 marks, so you do not need to do extra preparation for your exam.

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English High School English Grammar and Composition Wren and Martin
NCERT books from class 6th to 10th NCERT
Objective General English R.S. Aggarwal, Vikas Aggarwal
Hindi NCERT books from class 6th to 10th NCERT
Complete Hindi Beginner to Intermediate Course Teach Yourself
General Awareness Arihant Haryana Gk For CET With General Knowledge 2024 Combo For HSSC Arihant
General awareness Guidebook Agrawal Examcart (Agrawal group of publications)
MP Teacher Eligibility Guide Preeti Aggarwal
Mathematics NCERT books from class 6th to 10th NCERT
Complete Mathematics by Lucent’s Lucent’s Publication
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination RS Agarwal
Reasoning Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning R.S. Agarwal

Preparation Strategy for MP TET Varg 2 Exam

  • Master the Syllabus and Exam Pattern: Go through the official MP TET Varg 2 syllabus and understand the pattern of the exam. Mortify the heavy weightage issues and organize study time.
  • Conquer Concepts with Concise Notes: When reading a section, summarize major concepts, formulas, and facts through concise notes. These will act as your saviors’ during speedy revision and final-minute cramming.
  • Sharpen Your Knowledge with the Best Resources: Address all disciplines, theoretical first.
  • Mock Tests are Your Ultimate Drill Masters: Appear for good quality simulated real format mock tests regularly. It creates confidence and practice variances for passing this perfectly.
  • Start Early and Stay Consistent: Save till the very end! Compile study materials way in advance and read frequently. Regular practice and revision will remind you of your knowledge.

Also Read :- Pre Nursery Syllabus CBSE & Other State School [2023-24]

Samvida Varg 2 syllabus PDF Download

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Final Thought

Varg 2 Syllabus is a part of MPTET and is also a tough exam, but you need to prepare yourself with self-motivation. Must try to solve complex mathematics, reasoning, and general science. It helps to achieve your goal, so prepare for your exam.

Contact Support

  • Visit the Official MPTET VARG 2 Syllabus Exam Syllabus ( or ( select your problems.
  • Call support: Call >> (18002337899) or (0755-2578801-02).
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6 thoughts on “MPTET Varg 2 Syllabus [2024]: Latest Patern & Notification”

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